Backend: ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose

Kevin Kiarie
5 min readFeb 10, 2024


Hey, Lets create a backend server using ExpressJS , MongoDB and Mongoose.

  • First create a folder and name it Todo. Next create an index.js file.
  • On your terminal run:
npm init
// this will initialize your node js project and create a new package.json file
// alternativelly you can run
npm init -y
// next install the required dependencies
npm i express mongoose dotenv


  • Mongoose library is a popular JS library that provides a schema-based solution for modelling application data and interacting with mongodb.
  • it is a helper for nodejs applications that use mongodb as their database.


  • This is a popular web- framework for node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications and API’s


  • This is a simple Nodejs module that helps you to manage your environment variables in your application. It secures any sensitive information you may have in your project.
  • After installing the dependencies create a server as follows:
const express = require("express")
const app = express()
const port=8080
res.get("Hello Kevin this is port harcort")
app.listen(port, ()=>{
console.log(`You are listening in port ${port}`)
  • We use the “require” method to call the installed modules/dependencies.
  • To run your server use node index.js in your server.
  • in the last code block on the console.log — we have used backticks to create a template literal which will enable string interpolation.
  • This is the response you will get when running : localhost:3000 on your web browser:
-run localhost:3000

After this we will look into the CRUD operations:

(Disclaimer this code snippets are just examples the actual template is after this description)

  • within our Todo project we will supplement them as follows:
  • READ == GET


  • We define routes to handle incoming POST requests to create new records
  • Then we extract the data from the request body and save it to the db
  • Next we send a response indicating success or failure
  • This is how the block is to look:"/create",(req,res)=>{
// Extract data from request body
const newData - req.body
// Save the data to the database
// Eg. db,collection("items").insertOne(newData)

//Send response
res.send("New record created successfully")


  • We define the route to handle incoming Get requests to retrieve records.
  • Fetch the data from the database
  • Send the fetched data as a response as follows:
// Fetch data from the database - MongoDb
// EG: db.collection ("items").find().toArray((err,data) => {...});
res.send("Data retrieved successfully")


  • This requires a unique parameter/ id since we are updating a specific key point
  • Define a route to handle incoming PUT or PATCH requests to update existing records
  • Extract the updated data from the request body
  • update the corresponding record in the database
  • Send a response indicating success or failure as follows:
app.put('/update/:id', (req, res) => {
const itemId =;
const updatedData = req.body;

// Update record in database (e.g., MongoDB)
// Example: db.collection('items').updateOne({ _id: ObjectId(itemId) }, { $set: updatedData });

// Send response
res.send('Record updated successfully');


  • Define a route to handle incoming DELETE requests to delete existing records
  • Extract the id of the record to be deleted from the request params
  • Delete the corresponding record from the database.
  • send a response indicating success or failure
  • this also requires to delete a unique entity;
app.delete('/delete/:id', (req, res) => {
const itemId =;

// Delete record from database (e.g., MongoDB)
// Example: db.collection('items').deleteOne({ _id: ObjectId(itemId) });

// Send response
res.send('Record deleted successfully');

Lets dive into the actual project below

  • Within your root folder add a .env file
  • Next navigate into the mongoDb website>(create an account if you haven’t)login>create project[todo-app]>Deploy Database and set everything to default>copy the user-password and align it in your dotenv file>create deployment then connect
  • Connecting to the database:
  • Upon connecting choose drivers, then copy the mongoDB url into the Dotenv file.
  • Next install the mongodb package in your project as follows:
npm i mongodb
~ replace the MongoDB pass in the<password> block
  • Within your MongoDB site… navigate to browse collection and add Todos as both the database and the collection name.
  • Let’s get into the other step mongoose
  • next initialize the following steps:
const mongoose = require("mongoose")

const MONGO_DB = process.env.MONGODB_URL

console.log("MongoDB connected successfully")
}).catch((error)=> {
console.error("MongoDB connection error", error)
  • Your server should be running well.
  • Create a folder within your project named model and in it(get it : init LOL) add a file named todo.js
  • in your model>todo.js add the following block of code:
const mongoose = require("mongoose")
const {Schema} = mongoose
const toDoSchema = new Schema({

const todo = mongoose.model("Todo",toDoSchema)
module.exports = todo
  • Next go back in your index.js file and lets create the CRUD operations as follows

//Get method
const toDo = await todo.find()
console.error("There is an error:",err)
res.status(500).json({err: "Internal error"})

//Create method"/todos/create",async (req,res)=>{
const newToDo = await todo.create(req.body)
console.error("There is an error:",err)
res.status(500).json({err: "Internal error"})

// put
app.put("/todos/:id", async(req,res)=>{
const updatedToDo = await todo.findByIdAndUpdate(, req.body,{
console.error("There is an error:",err)
res.status(500).json({err: "Internal error"})

// Delete
app.delete("/todos/:id", async(req,res)=>{
await todo.findByIdAndDelete(
console.error("There is an error:",err)
res.status(500).json({err: "Internal error"})
  • Next we will have to test the entire thing on postman
  • Click this highlighted link to download postman if you do not have it. Click here
  • Within your postman application, login and create a collection: name it todo
  • Next create a collection by the name: Todo
  • Add the get request as follows:

Before I forget: Add this code in your index.js

  • within your headers add this in the POST request
  • This is a side by side illustration on the mongodbserver and the postman POST method
  • next you can follow through deleting and fetching the data.

And with that marks the end of this tutorial.

Happy coding :-)



Kevin Kiarie
Kevin Kiarie

Written by Kevin Kiarie

Full Stack developer and a part-time lover. A student of life brewed by experiences and patterns of thought from universal souls.

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